Ranch Fencing Service

Do you have a new ranch that you are looking to fence? It could also be that you want to replace an already existing fence. Building a rach fence is a time consuming and expensive project. It is therefore important to ensure that you do it right. As you start out on your fencing project, it is good that you pick a material that you prefer for your fence. There are several materials to choose from. There are those that are a bit more traditional while there are those that are more modern. To assist you, here is a guide to ranch fencing materials.
Traditional Materials
Wood is a classic when it comes to ranch fencing. This is the main material that would be used for ranch fencing in the past. This is because it is affordable and offers a nice look. It is also a safe material for your animals and even the people who will be working on the ranch. However, it takes a bit more effort to maintain wood. You may need to stain it regularly to prevent it from being damaged by the sun or infestations.
Barbed Wire
Wood can get scarce at times and in certain areas making barbed wire a nice alternative in terms of traditional ranch fencing methods. Barbed wire tends to be a very affordable material which is good if you are on a budget. It is also a great option if you want to protect your ranch from intruders. However, it can also be quite hazardous. The protruding sharp edges can easily injure someone during the construction of the fence and even during the use of the ranch. Extra caution is therefore advised. For ranch fencing Lago Vista TX options, go here.
Modern Methods
Woven Wire
This is among the newer ranch fencing methods and is a great choice if you intend to make the ranch escape-proof. This is especially if you keep animals that are prone to escaping such as sheep and pigs among others. It is also safer than barbed wire since animals cannot get injured or tangled. They are also very durable and require very little maintenance which is suitable for a ranch. You will however need to invest in heavy-duty wooden posts to be able to support the fence.
High Tensile Wire
If you want a more long-lasting option over the woven wire, then you may consider the high tensile wire. This could last even up to 50 years. It is also very difficult to compromise. It is therefore a very effective and popular option for ranch fencing. You will also not be burdened with maintenance. However, the high tensile wire fence can be quite costly. It is also not easy to install and requires special expertise. Although, it is cost-effective considering the benefits it offers.
You can also go with synthetic material for your ranch farm. Here, you will have several options to choose from such as PVC plastic, vinyl and high tensile polymer. Each of them offers its own advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, synthetic ranch farms generally tend to be safe, long-lasting and low maintenance. Check out ranch fencing Lago Vista TX online for more info.